Component Guide
Components are packages of template, style, behaviour and documentation that live in your application.
See the govuk_publishing_components gem for further details, or a list of all component guides.
- Read about how to release a new version of the gem
- View component audits
Accordion (experimental)
The accordion component lets users show and hide sections of related content on a page.
Action link
Use action links to help users get to the next stage of a journey quickly.
Add another (experimental)
The "add another" component lets users input multiple values for a set of form fields.
Admin layout
A layout to be used by admin applications
Displays a link to download an attachment and metadata about the file
Attachment link
A link to a file with metadata of the file contents
Back link
A link used to help users get back, useful when not using other navigation such as breadcrumbs
Big number
A big number, with a label if needed, for visualising quantitative values such as the number of government departments or historical prime ministers.
Navigational breadcrumbs, showing page hierarchy
Use buttons to move though a transaction, aim to use only one button per page.
A grid of cards that have a link and a description
Contents list
Provides a list of links with options for dashes or numbering.
Contextual breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs that shows different things depending on the page
Contextual footer
Footer that shows different things depending on the page
Contextual guidance
Provides a container with additional information when focusing an input field (e.g. input, textarea)
Contextual sidebar
Sidebar that shows different things depending on the page
Cookie banner
Help users manage their personal data by telling them when you store cookies on their device.
Copy to clipboard
Content that a user is intended to copy, like a URL
Cross service header
The One Login header contains two distinct navigation menus - one for GOV.UK One Login links and another for internal service navigation.
Make a page easier to scan by letting users reveal more detailed information only if they need it
Devolved Nations (experimental)
A banner for linking to alternative content for other nations.
Document list
An ordered list of documents including a document type, when updated and a link.
Emergency banner
A site-wide banner used in the event of an emergency
Error alert
Used at the top of the page, to summarise a unsuccessful user action.
Invites user feedback on the current page.
Form character count
Help users enter text when there is a limit on the number of characters they can type
Form checkboxes
Let users select one or more options with checkboxes.
Form date input
Use the date input component to help users enter a memorable date or one they can easily look up.
Form error message
Use error messages for any form fields.
Form error summary
Used at the top of the page, to summarise validation errors.
Form fieldset
The fieldset element is used to group several controls within a web form. The legend element represents a caption for the content of its parent fieldset.
Form file upload
Help users select and upload a file
Form hint text
Use hints for any form fields.
Form input
A form input field and an associated label.
Form label
Use labels for all form fields.
Form radio button
A radio button is an element that allows users to answer a question by selecting an option. If you have a question with more than one option you should stack radio buttons.
Form textarea
A textarea field and an associated label
Glance metric
The glance metric component is an at-a-glance view of data for a content item. The minimum requirements for it to display are a name and figure.
Global banner
A site-wide banner used to convey important information
Google Tag Manager script
Google Tag Manager script for tracking user interaction: - gtm_id is the ID for the Google Tag Manager account - gtm_preview allows a tag to be previewed in the Google Tag Manager interface - gtm_auth is the identifier of an environment for Google Tag Manager
Govspeak content
To display long form text which has been converted from Govspeak
Govspeak content (HTML Publications)
To display long form text with numbered parts, which has been converted from Govspeak
A text heading
Image card
Image and associated text with a link
Inset text
Use the inset text component to differentiate a block of text from the content that surrounds it.
An area that contains personalised content to the user
Inverse header
A wrapper to contain header content in white text
Layout footer
The footer provides copyright, licensing and other information
Layout header
The header provides the crown logo, product or service name and navigation
Layout super navigation header
The super navigation header provides a consistent header across GOV.UK.
Lead paragraph
The opening paragraph of content. Typically a content item’s description field.
A list - unordered or ordered, with or without counters / bullet points.
Machine readable metadata
Generates JSON-LD for use by search engines
Meta Tags
Meta tags to provide analytics information about the current page
Metadata block
To display relevant metadata about organisations and tags for a document
Modal dialogue (experimental)
Shows only one section, with no other navigation options, until the user finishes the immediate task
A notice to convey and highlight information
Option select
A scrollable list of checkboxes to be displayed on a form where one might otherwise use a multi-select
Organisation logo
Organisation text with crest and branded border colour
Used on confirmation or results pages to highlight important content.
Password input
The password input component helps users to create and enter passwords.
Phase banner
A banner that indicates content is in a certain phase (usually alpha or beta), with an optional explanation
Previous and next navigation
Navigational links that allow users to navigate within a series of pages or elements.
Print link
A link with a print icon to help users print the current page
Public layout
A layout to be used by public-facing applications
Related Navigation
Component showing related content, including topics, guidance and collections
Reorderable list
A list of items that can be reordered
Search box
Search with autocomplete (experimental)
A version of the search component enhanced with the ability to fetch and display search suggestions from a remote source as a user types.
Secondary navigation
Displays a secondary navigation with the current page marked accordingly
A dropdown select
Share links
Social media links for linking to or sharing the current page on social media.
Signup link
Renders a box with a link to sign up for email notifications
Single page notification button
A button that subscribes the user to email notifications to a page
Skip link
Skip link component helps keyboard-only users skip to the main content on a page
Step by step navigation
A series of expanding/collapsing steps designed to navigate a user through a process
Step by step navigation header
Shows that a content page is part of a step by step navigation
Step by step navigation related links
Links to step by step navigations that a page is part of
Subscription links
Links to ‘Get emails’ and ‘Subscribe to feed’
Success alert
Used at the top of the page, to summarise a successful user action.
Summary card
An extension of the Summary list component. It can be used where there are multiple groups of lists to be displayed in their own discrete sections.
Summary list
Use the summary list to summarise information, for example, a user’s responses at the end of a form.
A table component to make information easier to compare and scan for users.
Tabs (experimental)
The tabs component lets users toggle between related sections of content.
Translation navigation
A list of links to available translations
Warning text
Use the warning text component when you need to warn users about something important, such as legal consequences of an action, or lack of action, that they might take.
If you cannot find a suitable component consider extending an existing component or creating a new one.